Non-relativistic and Carrollian limits of Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity
Nov 30, 2020
Citations per year
Abstract: (Springer)
We construct the non-relativistic and Carrollian versions of Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity. In the second order formulation, there are no divergences in the non-relativistic and Carrollian limits. Instead, in the first order formalism, some divergences can be avoided by starting from a relativistic BF theory with (A)dS × ℝ gauge algebra. We show how to define the boundary duals of the gravity actions using the method of non-linear realisations and suitable Inverse Higgs constraints. In particular, the non-relativistic version of the Schwarzian action is constructed in this way. We derive the asymptotic symmetries of the theory, as well as the corresponding conserved charges and Newton-Cartan geometric structure. Finally, we show how the same construction applies to the Carrollian case.Note:
- 44 pages, typos corrected
- 2D Gravity
- Classical Theories of Gravity
- Space-Time Symmetries
- Topological Field Theories
- gravitation: duality
- charge: conservation law
- algebra: gauge
- representation: nonlinear
- model: nonrelativistic
- geometry: Cartan
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