Nonlocal cosmological models and tests of modified gravity with gravitational waves
2020172 pages
Thesis: PhD - Michele Maggiore
- Geneva U., Dept. Theor. Phys.,
- Geneva U., Dept. Theor. Phys.
- Published: 2020
Citations per year
0 Citations
Abstract: (U. Geneva (main))
This thesis is devoted to the study of a particular class of cosmological modifiedgravity models known as nonlocal gravity theories and to the possibility of testing,in greater generality, deviations from the standard cosmological modelΛCDM viagravitational-wave detections. In particular, in the first part of this work we inves-tigate the possibility that dark energy could be explained by infrared modificationsof general relativity, in the form of nonlocal operators appearing in the quantumeffective action for gravity. Despite a complete understanding of the gravity low-energy behavior is still missing, there are indications pointing towards a non-trivialinfrared dynamics. Among several phenomenological nonlocal models proposed inrecent years, cosmological observations and Solar System tests seem to select oneparticular model where the nonlocal term describes a mass for the conformal mode.This model fits available cosmological data at the same level ofΛCDM and givesquite similar predictions for cosmological parameters. The study of tensor perturba-tions reveals a distinctive behavior with considerable departures fromΛCDM andbrings us to the second part of the thesis, dealing with modified gravitational-wavepropagation. Such an effect, going beyond the specific features of nonlocal gravity,is very general in modified gravity theories and has to be added on top of the usualmodifications for the dark energy equation of state. We show how the current andfuture generations of gravitational-wave detectors can constrain dark energy andtest the predictions of modified gravity theories about the propagation of gravita-tional waves across cosmological distances.- gravitation: model
- Monte Carlo: Markov chain
- gravitational radiation: propagation
- perturbation: tensor
- effective action
- operator: nonlocal
- gravitational radiation
- Einstein Telescope
- cosmological model
- field theory: screening
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