Entanglement entropy and Page curve from the M-theory dual of thermal QCD above Tc at intermediate coupling

Jul 7, 2022
77 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 10, 106015
  • Published: May 15, 2023

Citations per year

Abstract: (APS)
Exploration of entanglement entropy (EE) and obtaining the Page curve in the context of eternal black holes associated with top-down nonconformal holographic thermal duals at intermediate coupling has been entirely unexplored in the literature. We fill this gap by obtaining the Page curve of an eternal neutral black hole from a doubly holographic setup relevant to the M-theory dual of thermal QCD-like theories at high temperatures (i.e., above Tc) and intermediate coupling (effected by inclusion of terms quartic in curvature in M theory). Remarkably, excluding the higher derivative terms, the EE of the Hawking radiation from the on-shell Wald entanglement entropy integral (for appropriate choices of constants of integration appearing in the embeddings) increases almost linearly due to dominance of entanglement entropy contribution from the Hartman-Maldacena (HM)-like surface SEEHM,β0,βlp6. This imparts a “Swiss-cheese” structure to SEEHM,β0 effecting a “Large N scenario” (LNS). Then after the Page time, the EE contribution from the island surface (IS) SEEIS,β0 dominates and saturates the linear time growth of the entanglement entropy of Hawking radiation and leads to the Page curve. The same is also obtained via the areas of the Hartman-Maldacena-like/island surfaces. Requiring the (IS) EE (SEEIS,β0) per unit Hawking-Beckenstein entropy (SBH) post the Page time to be around 2, and positivity of the Page time, set respectively a lower and upper bound on the horizon radius rh (the nonextremality parameter). Further, with the inclusion of the O(R4) terms in M theory, the fact the turning point associated with the HM-like surface is in the deep IR, requires a relationship between lp and rh along with a conjectural γe-O(1)N1/3-suppression (motivated by the aforementioned requirement SEEIS,β0SBH2 up to leading order). We obtain a hierarchy with respect to γ in SEEHM,β0,SEEIS,β0 and SEEHM,β,SEEHM,β [at O(β)]. This is due to the existence of massless graviton corresponding to a null mass eigenvalue of the Laplace-Beltrami equation in the internal space.
  • v4:1+77 Pages, LaTeX, 11 figures; title changed; Explanatory text added; to appear in PRD
  • duality: thermal
  • entropy: entanglement
  • radiation: Hawking
  • M-theory: duality
  • temperature: high
  • derivative: high
  • surface
  • holography
  • quantum chromodynamics
  • black hole