Abstract: (cern)
An overview of the phenomenology of CP violation is presented. The Standard Model mechanism of CP violation and its main experimental tests, both in the kaon and bottom systems, are discussed. (Lectures given at the 1993 Trieste Summer School and at the Escuela Latinoamericana de Fisica, ELAF'93, Argentina).
  • lectures: Mar del Plata 1993/07/05
  • CP: violation
  • CKM matrix matrix
  • K0 anti-K0: mixing
  • K0(L): nonleptonic decay
  • nonleptonic decay: K0(L)
  • K0(S): nonleptonic decay
  • nonleptonic decay: K0(S)
  • K0(L): rare decay
  • rare decay: K0(L)