Precise determinations of the CKM matrix from CP asymmetries in B decays and K(L) ---> pi0 neutrino anti-neutrino

May, 1994
13 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Lett.B 333 (1994) 476-483
Report number:
  • MPI-PHT-94-25,
  • TUM-T31-61-94

Citations per year

We point out that the measurements of the CP asymmetries in neutral B-decays together with a measurement of Br(KLπ ννˉ)Br(K_L\to \pi~\circ\nu\bar\nu) and the known value of Vus\mid V_{us}\mid can determine {\it all} elements of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix without essentially any hadronic uncertainties. In particular the strong dependence of Br(KLπ ννˉ)Br(K_L\to \pi~\circ\nu\bar\nu) on Vcb\mid V_{cb}\mid (Vcb 4\mid V_{cb}\mid~4) can be used to determine this element precisely. Consequently Vub\mid V_{ub}\mid, Vtd\mid V_{td}\mid and Vts\mid V_{ts} \mid can also be determined. We derive a set of formulae which facilitate this study and we present a numerical analysis of several future scenarios. Accurate determinations of all parameters are expected from the B-factories and the Main Injector era at Fermilab including KAMI. An impressive accuracy should be reached in the LHC era. An analysis using Br(\kpnn) instead of Br(\klpnn) shows that although the determination of Vcb\mid V_{cb}\mid and Vtd\mid V_{td}\mid this way is less accurate, still useful results for these elements can be obtained.
  • K0(L): semileptonic decay
  • semileptonic decay: K0(L)
  • K0(L): branching ratio
  • B0: decay
  • decay: B0
  • CP: violation
  • CKM matrix matrix
  • parametrization
  • numerical calculations
  • K0(L) --> pi0 neutrino antineutrino