The Energy dependence of the pi N amplitude and the three nucleon interaction

Dec, 1994
32 pages
Published in:
  • Few Body Syst. 18 (1995) 101-132

Citations per year

By calculating the contribution of the ππ\pi-\pi three-body force to the three-nucleon binding energy in terms of the πN\pi N amplitude using perturbation theory, we are able to determine the importance of the energy dependence and the contribution of the different partial waves of the πN\pi N amplitude to the three-nucleon force. A separable representation of the non-pole πN\pi N amplitude allows us to write the three-nucleon force in terms of the amplitude for NNNN NN\rightarrow NN~*, propagation of the NNN NNN~* system, and the amplitude for NN NNNN~*\rightarrow NN, with N N~* being the πN\pi N quasi-particle amplitude in a given state. The division of the πN\pi N amplitude into a pole and non-pole gives a procedure for the determination of the πNN\pi NN form factor within the model. The total contribution of the three-body force to the binding energy of the triton for the separable approximation to the Paris nucleon-nucleon potential (PEST) is found to be very small mainly as a result of the energy dependence of the πN\pi N amplitude, the cancellation between the SS- and PP-wave πN\pi N amplitudes, and the soft πNN\pi NN form factor.
  • RevTex file, 36 pages, 10 figures available from authors:
  • nuclear physics
  • three-body problem
  • partial wave analysis: coupled channel
  • nuclear force
  • binding energy
  • tritium
  • pi nucleon: elastic scattering
  • elastic scattering: pi nucleon
  • scattering amplitude: energy dependence
  • energy dependence: scattering amplitude