Production of heavy selectrons in e- gamma collisions
Dec, 199415 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.B 451 (1995) 16-30
- Published: 1995
- hep-ph/9412245 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- MPI-PHT-94-86,
- CERN-TH-7513-94
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We study the production and decay of heavy selectrons in the electron-photon mode of a linear collider of the next generation. The standard model backgrounds can be substantially reduced by appropriate kinematical cuts. As a consequence, selectrons far heavier than the kinematical threshold for pair production are shown to be easily discoverable for large portions of the supersymmetry parameter space. We also describe a model-independent kinematical measurement of the mass of the lightest neutralino.Note:
- 20 pages, 7 LaTeX figures Postscript version available at Report-no: MPI-PhT/94-86
- supersymmetry
- photon electron: exclusive reaction
- sparticle: pair production
- pair production: sparticle
- postulated particle: selectron
- postulated particle: LSP
- sparticle: decay modes
- decay modes: sparticle
- sparticle: mass
- mass: sparticle