The Free energy of hot gauge theories with fermions through g**5

Jul, 1995
30 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 52 (1995) 7232-7246
Report number:
  • PURD-TH-95-03

Citations per year

We compute the free energy density FF for gauge theories, with fermions, at high temperature and zero chemical potential. In the expansion F=T 4[c0+c2g 2+c3g 3+(c4lng+c4)g 4+(c5lng+c5)g 5+O(g 6)]F=T~4 [c_0+c_2 g~2+c_3 g~3+(c'_4\ln g+c_4)g~4+ (c'_5\ln g+c_5)g~5+O(g~6)], we determine c5c'_5 and c5c_5 analytically by calculating two- and three-loop diagrams. The g 5g~5 term constitutes the first correction to the g 3g~3 term and at the same time is the last power of gg that can be computed within perturbation theory. We find that the g 5g~5 term receives no contributions from overlapping double-frequency sums and that c5c'_5 vanishes.
  • fermion: gauge field theory
  • finite temperature
  • energy: density
  • Feynman graph: higher-order
  • propagator: renormalization
  • numerical calculations