Simple decay lepton asymmetries in polarized e+ettˉe^{+} e^{-} \to t \bar{t} and CP violating dipole couplings of the top quark

Jun, 1996
15 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Lett.B 383 (1996) 212-218
Report number:
  • FTUV-96-36,
  • IFIC-96-44

Citations per year

We study two simple CPCP-violating asymmetries of leptons coming from the decay of tt and \o t in e~+e~- \ra \tt, which do not need the full reconstruction of the tt or \o t for their measurement. They can arise when the top quark possesses nonzero electric and weak dipole form factors in the couplings to the photon and ZZ, respectively. Together, these two asymmetries can help to determine the electric and weak dipole form factors independently. If longitudinal beam polarization is available, independent determination of form factors can be done by measuring only one of the asymmetries. We obtain estimates of 90\% confidence limits that can be put on these form factors at a future linear \ee collider operating at s=500\sqrt{s}=500 GeV.
  • 15 pages, latex, 3 figures as postscript files, uuencoded together with the text. Short version of paper hep-ph/9509299. To appear in Phys. Lett. B Report-no: FTUV/96-36 IFIC/96-44
  • electron positron: annihilation
  • annihilation: electron positron
  • polarization: longitudinal
  • longitudinal: polarization
  • top: pair production
  • pair production: top
  • top: semileptonic decay
  • semileptonic decay: top
  • coupling: top
  • top: coupling