Impact of squark pair decay modes on search for supersymmetric neutral Higgs bosons

Jul, 1996
14 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Lett.B 389 (1996) 538-544
Report number:
  • UWTHPH-1996-44,
  • HEPHY-PUB-650-96,
  • TGU-18,
  • ITP-SU-96-03,
  • MADPH-96-952

Citations per year

We present a detailed study of the decays of the neutral Higgs bosons H 0H~0 and A 0A~0 within the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. We find that the supersymmetric modes t~t~ˉ{\tilde{t}}\bar{\tilde{t}} and b~b~ˉ{\tilde{b}}\bar{\tilde{b}} can dominate the H 0H~0 and A 0A~0 decays in a wide range of the model parameters due to large Yukawa couplings and mixings of t~{\tilde{t}} and b~{\tilde{b}}. Compared to the conventional modes ttˉt\bar{t} and bbˉb\bar{b}, these modes have very distinctive signatures. This could have a decisive impact on the neutral Higgs boson searches at future colliders.
  • 15 pages, LaTeX file, full postscript file (uuencoded) available at Report-no: UWThPh-1996-44, HEPHY-PUB 650/96, TGU-18, ITP-SU-96/03, MADPH-96-952
  • Salam-Weinberg model
  • Higgs particle: neutral particle
  • supersymmetry
  • Higgs particle: search for
  • Higgs particle: decay modes
  • Higgs particle: branching ratio
  • sparticle: pair production
  • postulated particle: squark
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