Heavy light weak matrix elements

Jun, 1996

Citations per year

I review the status of lattice calculations of heavy-light weak matrix elements, concentrating on semileptonic B decays to light mesons, B -> K* gamma, the B meson decay constant, f_B, and the mixing parameter B_B.
  • 12 pages, LaTeX2e with 6 postscript figures. Uses espcrc2.sty and epsf.sty (included). Talk presented at LATTICE96(heavy quarks) Report-no: SHEP-96-21
  • review: St. Louis 1996/06/04
  • lattice field theory
  • B: semileptonic decay
  • B: radiative decay
  • B: decay constant
  • B: B-parameter
  • CKM matrix matrix
  • form factor
  • numerical calculations: Monte Carlo
  • bibliography