What can we learn about leptoquarks at LEP-2?

Mar, 1997
10 pages
Published in:
  • Mod.Phys.Lett.A 12 (1997) 1719-1725
Report number:
  • OCIP-C-97-02

Citations per year

We investigate the discovery potential for first generation leptoquarks at the LEP200 e +e e~+e~- collider. We consider direct leptoquark searches using single leptoquark production via resolved photon contributions which offers a much higher kinematic limit than the more commonly considered leptoquark pair production process. Depending on the coupling strength of the leptoquark, search limits can be obtained to within a few GeV of s\sqrt{s}. We also consider LQ limits that can be obtained from t-channel interferences effects in e +e hadronse~+e~- \to hadrons.
  • electron positron: annihilation
  • photon electron: inclusive reaction
  • search for: leptoquark
  • leptoquark: electroproduction
  • photon: resolved
  • equivalent photon approximation
  • coupling: leptoquark
  • Feynman graph
  • cross section: mass
  • mass: leptoquark