The Pion three nucleon problem with two cluster connected kernel equations
Jun, 199820 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.C 58 (1998) 3121-3142
- nucl-th/9806061 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- DFPD-98-TH-22
Citations per year
It is found that the coupled piNNN-NNN system breaks into fragments in a nontrivial way. Assuming the particles as distinguishable, there are indeed four modes of fragmentation into two clusters, while in the standard three-body problem there are three possible two-cluster partitions and conversely the four-body problem has seven different possibilities. It is shown how to formulate the pion-three-nucleon collision problem through the integral-equation approach by taking into account the proper fragmentation of the system. The final result does not depend on the assumption of separability of the two-body t-matrices. Then, the quasiparticle method a' la Grassberger-Sandhas is applied and effective two-cluster connected-kernel equations are obtained. The corresponding bound-state problem is also formulated, and the resulting homogeneous equation provides a new approach which generalizes the commonly used techniques to describe the three-nucleon bound-state problem, where the meson degrees of freedom are usually suppressed.- nuclear physics
- many-body problem: (3nucleon pi)
- model: cluster
- integral equations
- fragmentation
- pseudoparticle
- bound state: (3nucleon)
- Feynman graph
- scattering amplitude