An Accurate Calculation of the Big Bang Prediction for the Abundance of Primordial Helium
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28 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 59 (1999) 103502
- astro-ph/9807279 [astro-ph]
Report number:
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Within the standard models of particle physics and cosmology we have calculated the big-bang prediction for the primordial abundance of \he to a theoretical uncertainty of less than 0.1 \pct , improving the current theoretical precision by a factor of 10. At this accuracy the uncertainty in the abundance is dominated by the experimental uncertainty in the neutron mean lifetime, . The following physical effects were included in the calculation: the zero and finite-temperature radiative, Coulomb and finite-nucleon-mass corrections to the weak rates; order- quantum-electrodynamic correction to the plasma density, electron mass, and neutrino temperature; and incomplete neutrino decoupling. New results for the finite-temperature radiative correction and the QED plasma correction were used. In addition, we wrote a new and independent nucleosynthesis code designed to control numerical errors to be less than 0.1\pct. Our predictions for the \EL[4]{He} abundance are presented in the form of an accurate fitting formula. Summarizing our work in one number, . Further, the baryon density inferred from the Burles-Tytler determination of the primordial D abundance, , leads to the prediction: . This ``prediction'' and an accurate measurement of the primeval \he abundance will allow an important consistency test of primordial nucleosynthesis.- cosmological model
- light nucleus: production
- helium
- electron nucleon: interaction
- radiative correction: finite temperature
- correction: Coulomb
- nucleon: mass
- mass: correction
- plasma: density
- electron: mass