Supersymmetric contributions to rare kaon decays: Beyond the single mass insertion approximation

Aug, 1998
21 pages
Published in:
  • JHEP 09 (1998) 009
Report number:
  • LNF-98-026-P

Citations per year

We analyze the contributions to rare kaon decays mediated by flavor-changing Z-penguin diagrams in a generic low-energy supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model. In order to perform a model-independent analysis we expand the squark mass matrices around the diagonal, following the so called mass-insertion approximation. We argue that in the present case it is necessary to go up to the second order in this expansion to take into account all possible large effects. The current bounds on such second-order term, which was neglected in previous analyses, are discussed in detail and the corresponding upper bounds for the rare kaon decay rates are derived. As a result, we show that supersymmetric effects could lead to large enhancements of K -> pi nu{\bar nu} and K_L -> pi^0 e^+ e^- branching ratios.
  • supersymmetry
  • K: rare decay
  • neutral current: flavor changing
  • Feynman graph: penguin
  • vertex function: (Z0 strangeness down)
  • squark: mass
  • approximation
  • K: semileptonic decay
  • neutrino: pair production
  • lepton: pair production