CPT and Lorentz tests in hydrogen and anti-hydrogen
Apr, 19984 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.Lett. 82 (1999) 2254-2257
- hep-ph/9810269 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- IUHET-388,
- COLBY-97-04
Citations per year
Signals for CPT and Lorentz violation at the Planck scale may arise in hydrogen and antihydrogen spectroscopy. We show that certain 1S-2S and hyperfine transitions can exhibit theoretically detectable effects unsuppressed by any power of the fine-structure constant.Note:
- 4 pages REVTeX, submitted for publication Report-no: IUHET 388, April 1998
- validity test: CPT
- violation: CPT
- validity test: Lorentz
- hydrogen: energy levels
- hydrogen: antiparticle
- hydrogen: hyperfine structure
- magnetic field: confinement