Abstract: (APS)
This last of a series of three measurements improves the comparison of antiproton (p¯) and proton (p) by almost a factor of 106 over earlier exotic atom measurements, and is the most precise CPT test with baryons by a similar large factor. Measuring the cyclotron frequencies of a simultaneously trapped p¯ and H− ion establishes that the ratio of q/m for p¯ and p is −0.99999999991±0.00000000009, more than 10 times the accuracy over our previous measurement. This 9×10−11 comparison makes the first use of simultaneously trapped particles for sub-ppb spectroscopy.
  • anti-p: mass
  • p: mass
  • anti-p: charge
  • p: charge
  • ratio: (charge mass)
  • oscillation: cyclotron
  • magnetic field
  • relativity theory
  • invariance: CPT
  • experimental results