Equilibrium distribution of heavy quarks in Fokker-Planck dynamics
Jul, 1999Citations per year
We obtain within Fokker-Planck dynamics an explicit generalization of Einstein's relation between drag, diffusion and equilibrium distribution for a spatially homogeneous system, considering both the transverse and longitudinal diffusion for dimension n>1. We then provide a complete characterization of when the equilibrium distribution becomes a Boltzmann/J"uttner distribution, and when it satisfies the more general Tsallis distribution. We apply this analysis to recent calculations of drag and diffusion of a charm quark in a thermal plasma, and show that only a Tsallis distribution describes the equilibrium distribution well. We also provide a practical recipe applicable to highly relativistic plasmas, for determining both diffusion coefficients so that a specific equilibrium distribution will arise for a given drag coefficient.- plasma
- thermodynamics
- diffusion
- Fokker-Planck equation
- quark: charm
- numerical calculations