Thermal dilepton radiation at intermediate masses at the CERN - SPS
Sep, 19996 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 473 (2000) 13-19
- hep-ph/9909348 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- SUNY-NTG-99-30
Citations per year
We investigate the significance of thermal dilepton radiation in the intermediate-mass region in heavy-ion reactions at CERN-SpS energies. Within a thermal fireball model for the space-time evolution, the radiation from hot matter is found to dominate over hard 'background' processes (Drell-Yan and open charm) up to invariant masses of about 2 GeV, with a rather moderate fraction emerging from early stages with temperatures MeV associated with deconfined matter. Further including a schematic acceptance for the NA50 experiment we find good agreement with the observed enhancement in the region 1.5 GeV~~3 GeV. In particular, there is no need to invoke any anomalous open charm enhancement.- scattering: heavy ion
- lead
- lepton: pair production
- mass spectrum: dilepton
- thermodynamics
- fireball
- background: charm
- Drell-Yan process
- muon: pair production
- numerical calculations