Investigation of the exclusive He-3 (e, e-prime p p) n reaction
Aug, 2000
Citations per year
Cross sections for the 3He(e,e'pp)n reaction were measured over a wide range of energy and three- momentum transfer. At a momentum transfer q=375 MeV/c, data were taken at transferred energies omega ranging from 170 to 290 MeV. At omega=220 MeV, measurements were performed at three q values (305, 375, and 445 MeV/c). The results are presented as a function of the neutron momentum in the final-state, as a function of the energy and momentum transfer, and as a function of the relative momentum of the two-proton system. The data at neutron momenta below 100 MeV/c, obtained for two values of the momentum transfer at omega=220 MeV, are well described by the results of continuum-Faddeev calculations. These calculations indicate that the cross section in this domain is dominated by direct two-proton emission induced by a one-body hadronic current. Cross section distributions determined as a function of the relative momentum of the two protons are fairly well reproduced by continuum-Faddeev calculations based on various realistic nucleon-nucleon potential models. At higher neutron momentum and at higher energy transfer, deviations between data and calculations are observed that may be due to contributions of isobar currents.Note:
- 14 pages, 1 table, 17 figures
- electron nucleus: exclusive reaction
- helium: nuclide
- helium: fission
- cross section: energy dependence
- momentum transfer dependence
- many-body problem
- n: momentum spectrum
- Amsterdam AmPS Stor
- electron helium-3 --> n 2p electron