Maximum and minimum dark matter detection cross-sections

Aug, 2000
11 pages

Citations per year

The range of neutralino-proton cross sections for R-parity preserving supergravity models with GUT scale unification of the gauge coupling constants is examined. The models considered here are mSUGRA, models with non universal soft breaking and D-brane models. It is found that the current dark matter detectors are sampling significant parts of the SUSY parameter space and future detectors could sample almost the entire space. The special regions of parameter space that may be inaccessible to future detectors are seen to have a squark/gluino spectra beyond 1 TeV, but observable at the LHC.
  • Based on talk at Workshop on the Next Generation U.S. Underground Facility, Carlsbad, NM, Jun 2000
  • talk: Carlsbad 2000/06/12
  • neutralino p: scattering
  • cross section
  • R parity: invariance
  • supergravity: minimal
  • grand unified theory
  • coupling constant: gauge
  • membrane model: D-brane
  • dark matter: search for
  • numerical calculations