Inverted hierarchy of neutrino masses disfavored by supernova 1987A
Oct, 2000
15 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 504 (2001) 301-308
- hep-ph/0010240 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- TMUP-HEL-0019,
- KIAS-P00067
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We discuss the flavor conversion of supernova neutrinos in the three-flavor mixing scheme of neutrinos. We point out that by neutrino observation from supernova one can discriminate the inverted hierarchy of neutrino masses from the normal one if s_{13}^2 \gsim a few \times 10^{-4}, irrespective of which oscillation solution to the solar neutrino problem is realized in nature. We perform an analysis of data of SN1987A and obtain a strong indication that the inverted mass hierarchy is disfavored unless s_{13}^2 \lsim a few \times 10^{-4}.Note:
- RevTex file, 15 pages, 4 postscript figures, typos corrected, version to appear in Physics Letters B Report-no: TMUP-HEL-0019, KIAS-P00067
- supernova
- neutrino: mass
- mass: hierarchy
- neutrino: mixing angle
- flavor: 3
- numerical calculations: interpretation of experiments