A Unique parametrization of the shapes of secondary dilepton spectra observed in central heavy ion collisions at CERN SPS energies
Oct, 2000
Citations per year
A unique parametrization of secondary (thermal) dilepton yields in heavy-ion experiments at CERN-SPS is proposed. This parametrization resembles a thermal annihilation rate. This is inspired by the observation that lepton pair production rates are quantitatively similar, whether expressed in a hadronic or partonic basis. Adding the thermal yield and the background contributions (hadronic cocktail, Drell-Yan, correlated semileptonic decays of open charm) the spectral shapes of the CERES/NA45, NA38, NA50 and HELIOS/3 data from experiments with lead and sulfur beams can be well described.- 25.75.+r
- 12.38.Mh
- 24.85.+p
- Dileptons
- Deconfined matter
- Heavy-ion collisions
- Analysis of CERN-SPS experiments
- scattering: heavy ion
- lead
- sulfur