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We begin by outlining the ancient puzzle of off shell currents and infinite size particles in a string theory of hadrons. We then consider the problem from the modern AdS/CFT perspective. We argue that although hadrons should be thought of as ideal thin strings from the 5-dimensional bulk point of view, the 4-dimensional strings are a superposition of fat strings of different thickness. We also find that the warped nature of the target geometry provides a mechanism for taming the infinite zero point fluctuations which apparently produce a divergent result for hadronic radii. Finally a calculation of the large momentum behavior of the form factor is given in the limit of strong 't Hooft parameter where the classical gravity limit is appropriate. We find agreement with parton model expectations.
  • part of hep-ph/0212221
  • string model
  • hadron: size
  • space-time: anti-de Sitter
  • field theory: conformal
  • form factor
  • fluctuation
  • model: parton