Three cluster equation using two cluster RGM kernel
Dec, 2001
12 pages
Published in:
- Prog.Theor.Phys. 107 (2002) 745-757
- nucl-th/0112070 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- KUNS-1749
Citations per year
We propose a new type of three-cluster equation which uses two-cluster resonating-group-method (RGM) kernels. In this equation, the orthogonality of the total wave-function to two-cluster Pauli-forbidden states is essential to eliminate redundant components admixed in the three-cluster systems. The explicit energy-dependence inherent in the exchange RGM kernel is self-consistently determined. For bound-state problems, this equation is straightforwardly transformed to the Faddeev equation which uses a modified singularity-free T-matrix constructed from the two-cluster RGM kernel. The approximation of the present three-cluster formalism can be examined with more complete calculation using the three-cluster RGM. As a simple example, we discuss three di-neutron (3d') and 3 alpha systems in the harmonic-oscillator variational calculation. The result of the Faddeev calculation is also presented for the 3' system.References(14)