Two photon annihilation into baryon anti-baryon pairs

Jun, 2002
20 pages
Published in:
  • Eur.Phys.J.C 26 (2003) 567-577
Report number:
  • WU-B-02-06,
  • NORDITA-2002-15-HE

Citations per year

We study the handbag contribution to two-photon annihilation into baryon-antibaryon pairs at large energy and momentum transfer. We derive factorization of the process amplitude into a hard gamma gamma -> q qbar subprocess and form factors describing the soft q qbar -> B Bbar transition, assuming that the process is dominated by configurations where the (anti)quark approximately carries the full momentum of the (anti)baryon. The form factors represent moments of time-like generalized parton distributions, so-called B Bbar distribution amplitudes. A characteristic feature of the handbag mechanism is the absence of isospin-two components in the final state, which in combination with flavor symmetry provides relations among the form factors for the members of the lowest-lying baryon octet. Assuming dominance of the handbag contribution, we can describe current experimental data with form factors of plausible size, and predict the cross sections of presently unmeasured B Bbar channels.
  • 20 pages latex, 4 figures. v2: minor clarifications, references updated Report-no: WU B 02-06, NORDITA-2002-15 HE
  • photon photon: annihilation
  • baryon: pair production
  • baryon: photoproduction
  • scattering amplitude: factorization
  • quark: pair production
  • form factor: energy dependence
  • momentum spectrum: parton
  • moment
  • Feynman graph: higher-order
  • symmetry: SU(3)