Citations per year

Beta Beams are designed to produce pure (anti)electron neutrino beams and could be an elegant and powerful option for the search of leptonic CP violating processes. In this paper will be quantified the physics reach of a CERN based Beta Beam and of a Super Beam - Beta Beam combination. The CP phase δ\delta sensitivity results to be comparable to a Neutrino Factory for sin2θ13\sin^2{\theta_{13}} values greater than 10410^{-4}.
  • Invited talk at the Nufact02 Workshop, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, July 2002
  • talk: London 2002/07/01
  • neutrino: particle source
  • neutrino/e
  • antineutrino/e
  • beam: radioactivity
  • ion: beam
  • helium: nuclide
  • neon: nuclide
  • CP: violation
  • Cherenkov counter: water