Field theoretical approaches to the superconducting phase transition

Mar, 2003
33 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
Several field theoretical approaches to the superconducting phase transition are discussed. Emphasis is given to theories of scaling and renormalization group in the context of the Ginzburg-Landau theory and its variants. Also discussed is the duality approach, which allows to access the strong-coupling limit of the Ginzburg-Landau theory.
  • Lectures delivered by F.S.Nogueira in the Ising Lectures, Lviv, March 2002: To appear in the World Scientific review volume 'Order, Disorder and Criticality', edited by Yurij Holovatch. Chapter 1.
  • LaTex, 33 pages, 5 figures; article based on lectures delivered by F.S. Nogueira in the "Ising Lectures", in Lviv, March 2002; to appear in the World Scientific review volume "Order, Disorder, and Criticality", Edited by Yurij Holovatch
  • lectures: Lviv 2002/03
  • critical phenomena: superconductivity
  • scaling
  • renormalization group
  • Landau-Ginzburg model
  • duality
  • mean field approximation
  • epsilon expansion
  • expansion 1/N
  • propagator