Dust reddening in Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasars

Jun, 2004
29 pages
Published in:
  • Astron.J. 128 (2004) 1112-1123
Report number:
  • FERMILAB-PUB-04-160-A

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We explore the form of extragalactic reddening toward quasars using a sample of 9566 quasars with redshifts 0 0.1: less than 1% have E_{B-V} > 0.2, where the extinction is relative to quasars with modal colors. Reddening is uncorrelated with the presence of intervening narrow-line absorption systems, but reddened quasars are much more likely to show narrow absorption at the redshift of the quasar than are unreddened quasars. Thus the reddening towards quasars is dominated by SMC-like dust at the quasar redshift.
  • 29 pages including 8 figures. AJ, September 2004 issue Journal-ref: Astron.J. 128 (2004) 1112-1123