Instanton counting on blowup. II. K-theoretic partition function
May, 2005Citations per year
We study Nekrasov's deformed partition function of 5-dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory compactified on a circle. Mathematically it is the generating function of the characters of the coordinate rings of the moduli spaces of instantons on . We show that it satisfies a system of functional equations, called blowup equations, whose solution is unique. As applications, we prove (a) logarithm of the partition function times is regular at , (a part of Nekrasov's conjecture), and (b) the genus 1 parts, which are first several Taylor coefficients of the logarithm of the partition function, are written explicitly in terms of the Seiberg-Witten curves in rank 2 case.Note:
- Dedicated to Vladimir Drinfeld on his 50th birthday
- gauge field theory: Yang-Mills
- supersymmetry
- dimension: 5
- partition function: deformation
- K-theory
- instanton
- correlation function