Tensor products of psl(2|2) representations

Jun, 2005
29 pages
Report number:
  • SPHT-T05-080,
  • KCL-MTH-05-05,
  • DESY-05-092

Citations per year

The aim of this work is to study finite dimensional representations of the Lie superalgebra psl(2|2) and their tensor products. In particular, we shall decompose all tensor products involving typical (long) and atypical (short) representations as well as their so-called projective covers. While tensor products of long multiplets and projective covers close among themselves, we shall find an infinite family of new indecomposables in the tensor products of two short multiplets. Our note concludes with a few remarks on possible applications to the construction of AdS_3 backgrounds in string theory.
  • algebra: Lie
  • supersymmetry: algebra
  • algebra: psl(2/2)
  • algebra: representation
  • tensor