Dark energy in modified Gauss-Bonnet gravity: Late-time acceleration and the hierarchy problem
Jan, 2006
Citations per year
Dark energy cosmology is considered in a modified Gauss-Bonnet (GB) model of gravity where an arbitrary function of the GB invariant, , is added to the General Relativity action. We show that such theory is endowed with a quite rich cosmological structure: it may naturally lead to an effective cosmological constant, quintessence or phantom cosmic acceleration, with a possible transition from deceleration to acceleration. It is demonstrated in the paper that this theory is perfectly viable, since it is compliant with Solar System constraints. Specific properties of gravity in a de Sitter universe, such as dS and SdS solutions, their entropy and its explicit one-loop quantization are studied. The issue of a possible solution of the hierarchy problem in modified gravities is addressed too.Note:
- LaTeX file 20 pages, new subsections are added
- 95.36.+x
- 04.50.+h
- gravitation: action
- dark energy
- hierarchy
- expansion: acceleration
- thermodynamics
- space-time: de Sitter
- entropy
- phantom