Masses of [70, l+] Baryons in the 1/N(c) Expansion
Apr, 2006Citations per year
The masses of positive and nonstrange and strange baryons are calculated in the expansion. The approach is based on the separation of a system of quarks into an excited core and an excited quark. The previous work for two flavor baryons is now extended to include strange baryons, to first order in SU(3)-flavor breaking. We show that the extension to maintains the regularities previously observed in the behaviour of the linear term in , of the spin-spin and of the spin-orbit terms. In particular the contribution of the spin-dependent terms decrease with the excitation energy, the dominant term remaining the spin-spin term.- 11.15.Pg
- 12.39.-x
- 11.30.Hv
- baryon: hadron spectroscopy
- baryon: mass
- resonance
- hyperon: mass
- expansion 1/N: color
- symmetry breaking: SU(3)
- excited state: wave function