Abstract: (arXiv)
We present 5-35 μ\mum spectra, taken with the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on the Spitzer Space Telescope, of five FU Orionis objects: FU Ori, V1515 Cyg, V1057 Cyg, BBW 76, and V346 Nor. All but V346 Nor reveal amorphous silicate grains in emission at 10 μ\mum and 20 μ\mum, and show water-vapor absorption bands at 5.8 and 6.8 μ\mum and SiO or possibly methane absorption at 8 μ\mum. These absorption features closely match these bands in model stellar photospheres -- signs of the gaseous photospheres of the inner regions of these objects' accretion disks. The continuum emission at 5-8 μ\mum is also consistent with such disks, and, for FU Orionis and BBW 76, longer-wavelength emission may be fit by a model which includes moderate disk flaring. V1057 Cyg and V1515 Cyg have much more emission at longer wavelengths than the others, perhaps evidence of substantial remnant of their natal, infalling envelopes.
  • infrared: stars