Probing a Secluded U(1) at B-factories
Mar, 2009
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
A secluded U(1) gauge field, kinetically mixed with Standard Model hypercharge, provides a `portal' mediating interactions with a hidden sector at the renormalizable level, as recently exploited in the context of WIMP dark matter. The secluded U(1) symmetry-breaking scale may naturally be suppressed relative to the weak scale, and so this sector is efficiently probed by medium energy electron-positron colliders. We study the collider signatures of the minimal secluded U(1) model, focusing on the reach of B-factory experiments such as BaBar and BELLE. In particular, we show that Higgs-strahlung in the secluded sector can lead to multi-lepton signatures which probe the natural range for the kinetic mixing angle of 10^(-2)-10^(-3) over a large portion of the kinematically accessible parameter space.- 13.66.Hk
- 12.60.Cn
- 95.35.+d
- 13.66.De
- symmetry breaking: U(1)
- gauge field theory: U(1)
- electron positron: colliding beams
- WIMP: dark matter
- B-factory
- hypercharge