The two-loop power spectrum in redshift space
Aug 14, 202324 pages
Published in:
- JCAP 11 (2023) 078
- Published: Nov 22, 2023
- 2308.07379 [astro-ph.CO]
Report number:
- TUM-HEP-1472/23
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Abstract: (IOP)
We present the matter power spectrum in redshift space including two-loop corrections. Wefollow a strictly perturbative approach incorporating all non-linearities entering both via theredshift-space mapping and within real space up to the required (fifth) order, complemented bysuitable effective field theory (EFT) corrections. This approach can a priori be viable up toscales of order 0.2h Mpc beyond which power suppression related to the finger-of-God effectbecomes non-perturbatively strong. We extend a simplified treatment of EFT corrections attwo-loop order from real to redshift space, making sure that the leading UV-sensitivity of boththe single-hard and double-hard limit of the two-loop contributions to the power spectrum isaccounted for, and featuring two free parameters for each multipole. Taking alsoinfrared-resummation into account, we calibrate with and compare to Quijote N-body simulationsfor the monopole and quadrupole at redshifts z = 0 and z = 0.5. We find agreement within samplevariance (at percent-level) up to 0.18h Mpc at two-loop order, compared to 0.1h Mpc atone-loop. We also investigate the role of higher-derivative corrections.Note:
- 24 pages, 11 figures; updated bibliography
- power spectrum
- redshift surveys
- matter: power spectrum
- derivative: high
- redshift
- effective field theory
- multipole
- calibration
- suppression
- monopole
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