Phenomenological study of the atypical heavy flavor production observed at the Fermilab Tevatron
Nov, 2005
30 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 73 (2006) 014025
- hep-ex/0511053 [hep-ex]
Report number:
Citations per year
We address known discrepancies between the heavy flavor properties of jets produced at the Tevatron collider and the prediction of conventional-QCD simulations. In this study, we entertain the possibility that these effects are real and due to new physics. We show that all anomalies can be simultaneously fitted by postulating the additional pair production of light bottom squarks with a 100% semileptonic branching fraction.- 12.60.Jv
- 13.85.Qk
- 13.20.He
- anti-p p: inclusive reaction
- jet: hadroproduction
- bottom
- quark: pair production
- quark: semileptonic decay
- quantum chromodynamics: perturbation theory
- squark: bottom