A New method of determining |V(ub)| by the processes anti-B ---> rho lepton anti-neutrino and anti-B ---> K* lepton anti-lepton
Jun, 19957 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.Lett. 75 (1995) 2807-2810
- hep-ph/9507283 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- DPNU-95-17,
- UT-709
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The differential decay width of the process is related to that of the process \bar{B} \rightarrow K~* l \lbar by using -flavor symmetry and the heavy quark symmetry. The ratio of the Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements is obtained in the zero recoil limit of and , allowing a determination of .- anti-B: semileptonic decay
- semileptonic decay: anti-B
- anti-B: width
- rho(770)
- K*(892)
- CKM matrix matrix
- symmetry: SU(3)
- HQET model
- anti-B --> rho(770) lepton antineutrino
- anti-B --> K*(892) lepton antilepton