Weak K amplitudes in the chiral and 1/n(c) expansions
Nov, 199511 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 374 (1996) 186-192
- hep-ph/9511465 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- CPT-95-P-3265,
- FTUV-95-56,
- IFIC-95-58
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It is shown that there exist symmetry constraints for non--leptonic weak amplitudes which emerge when the --expansion restricted to the leading and next--to--leading approximations only is systematically combined with PT limited to the lowest non--trivial order. We discuss these constraints for the couplings \mbox{\bf g}_8 and \mbox{\bf g}_{27} of transitions and the \mbox{\bf B}_{K}--parameter of mixing.Note:
- 11 pages, latex, 1 figure (included in a separate ps file) Report-no: CPT-95/P.3265, FTUV/95-56, IFIC/95-58
- K: hadronic decay
- hadronic decay: K
- expansion 1/N: color
- perturbation theory: chiral
- effective Lagrangian
- coupling constant
- selection rule: strangeness
- K0 anti-K0: mixing
- Feynman graph