Domain walls and vortices with nonsymmetric core
May, 1997Citations per year
0 Citations
We review recent work on a new class of topological defects which possess a nonsymmetric core. They arise in scalar field theories with global symmetries, U(1) for domain walls and SU(2) for vortices, which are explicitly broken to and U(1) respectively. Both of the latter symmetries are spontaneously broken. For a particular range of parameters both types of defect solutions are shown to become unstable and decay to the well known stable walls and vortices with symmetric cores.- talk: Cambridge 1997/04/07
- phi**n model: 4
- symmetry: U(1)
- symmetry: SU(2)
- field equations: solution
- boundary condition
- domain wall
- vortex
- spontaneous symmetry breaking
- numerical calculations