Four-nucleon force in chiral effective field theory
Nov, 20054 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 639 (2006) 456-461
- nucl-th/0511025 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- JLAB-THY-05-440
Citations per year
We derive the leading contribution to the four-nucleon force within the framework of chiral effective field theory. It is governed by the exchange of pions and the lowest-order nucleon-nucleon contact interaction and includes effects due to the nonlinear pion-nucleon couplings and the pion self interactions constrained by the chiral symmetry of QCD. The resulting four-nucleon force does not contain any unknown parameters and can be tested in few- and many-nucleon studies.- 21.30.-x
- 25.10.+s
- 21.45.+v
- nuclear force
- force: (4nucleon)
- effective Lagrangian: chiral
- pi: exchange
- nucleon nucleon: interaction
- pi nucleon: coupling
- quantum chromodynamics