A precision measurement of νμ\nu_{\mu} disappearance in the T2K experiment

Jun, 2014
245 pages
  • Constantinos Andreopoulos
  • Alfons Weber
Thesis: PhD
  • Oxford U.
Report number:
  • T2K-THESIS-057

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Abstract: (Oxford University)
T2K is a long-baseline accelerator neutrino oscillation experiment usingthe high-intensity νμ beam produced at J-PARC. Sitting 295 km away, the giantSuper-Kamiokande detector, a 50 kt water tank instrumented with 11,129photosensitive detectors, sees a narrow band beam peaked at 600 MeV. Thebaseline to energy ratio is finely tuned for studying neutrino oscillations at theatmospheric neutrino squared-mass splitting. The beam is also sampled 280mdownstream of the neutrino production target by a series of finely segmentedsolid scintillator and time projection chamber detectors. Observing changes inthe neutrino beam between the two detectors allows oscillation parameters tobe accurately extracted.A νμ-disappearance analysis was performed on the combined T2K Run1+2+3+4 dataset, corresponding to integrated J-PARC neutrino beam exposureof 6.57x1020 POT, in a framework of three active neutrino flavour oscillationsincluding matter effects in constant-density matter. The observed reconstructedenergy spectrum of 1 μ-like ring events was fitted, and separate fits were madefor the normal and the inverted mass hierarchies. In these fits, sin2 θ23 andeither |Δm232| (normal mass hierarchy) or |Δm231| (inverted mass hierarchy) wereallowed to float. The oscillation parameters sin2 θ13, sin2 θ12, Δm221, δCP , and all 41 systematic parameters considered in this analysis were also allowed to floatin the fit.This analysis predicts 445.98±23.46(syst) 1 μ-like ring events in SK in theabsence of any oscillation, but only 120 were observed. The observed deficithas a strong energy dependence; the ratio of observed to expected, under theno-oscillation hypothesis, is ∼26% < 0.5 GeV, ∼10% between 0.5 and 1 GeV and∼72% > 1 GeV.The 68% confidence intervals on the oscillation parameters can be summarisedas sin2 θ23 = 0.514 +0:049 -0:050|Δm232|= 2.51±0.10 eV2⁄c4 for the normal mass hierarchy, and sin2 θ23 = 0.511 +0:050 -0:049 |Δm231| = 2.48±0.10 eV2⁄c4 for the invertedmass hierarchy. This is the most precise measurement of sin2 θ23 to date.
  • Particle physics
  • neutrino physics
  • neutrino oscillation physics
  • T2K
  • thesis
  • neutrino/mu: secondary beam
  • neutrino: oscillation
  • neutrino: mixing angle
  • neutrino: mass difference
  • precision measurement