Measuring inflation through precision cosmology

124 pages
  • Uros Seljak
Thesis: PhD
  • Princeton U.

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In this work we study inflation from both theoretical and obse rvational perspectives. In the first chapter we investigate the accuracy of the slow-rol l approximation given current observational constraints. We find that the first order slow- roll approximation works better than expected and that the higher order corrections do not im prove the results as compared to the exact numerical solutions. In the second and third chapters we explore the current const raints on the cosmolog- ical parameters using Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. We sh ow, that for the first year WMAP data, one should perform full marginalization ove r the foregrounds and exact calculation of the likelihood function for low multipoles. Neglecting this produces signif- icant inaccuracy in determination of basic cosmological pa rameters and prefers unnatu- ral running of the primordial power spectrum from inflation. We also study the level of Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect in WMAP data and how it affects the c osmological parameters. In the third chapter we perform joint analysis of Ly-alpha fo rest data with other available cosmological datasets. In the last chapter of this thesis we report our progress towa rds measuring the probability distribution function of Ly-alpha forest flux from SDSS quas ars. Combined together with Ly-alpha forest flux power spectrum it can improve cosmologi cal parameters that constrain inflationary models.
  • inflation: model
  • power spectrum: primordial
  • Monte Carlo: Markov chain
  • correction: higher-order
  • flux: electromagnetic
  • WMAP
  • Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
  • sloan digital sky survey
  • numerical calculations
  • statistical analysis