Asymmetric vector mesons produced in nuclear collisions

May 28, 2016
11 pages
Published in:
  • Eur.Phys.J.A 52 (2016) 9, 288
  • Published: Sep 20, 2016

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0 Citations
Abstract: (Springer)
It is argued that the experimentally observed phenomenon of asymmetric shapes of vector mesons produced in nuclear media during high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions can be explained as Fano-Feshbach resonances. It has been observed that the mass distributions of lepton pairs created at meson decays decline from the traditional Breit-Wigner shape with some excess in the low-mass wing of the resonance. It is clear that the whole phenomenon is related to some interaction with the nuclear medium. Moreover, it can be further described in quantum mechanics as the interference of direct and continuum states in the Fano-Feshbach effect. To reveal the nature of the interaction it is proposed to use a phenomenological model of the additional contribution due to Cherenkov gluons. They can be created because of the excess of the refractivity index over 1 just in the low-mass wing as required by the classical Cherenkov treatment. In quantum mechanics, this requirement is related to the positive real part of the interaction amplitude in this wing. The corresponding parameters are found from the comparison with ρ \rho -meson data and admit reasonable explanation.
  • 11 pages, 2 Figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1505.06297
  • nucleus nucleus: colliding beams
  • vector meson: production
  • nuclear matter
  • gluon: Cherenkov
  • Breit-Wigner
  • interference
  • quantum mechanics
  • rho(770)
  • lepton: mass spectrum
  • matter: refractive index