Top (S)Partners And The Higgs Mass
Aug 22, 2016161 pages
Thesis: PhD - Cornell U.
- Published: Aug 22, 2016
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0 Citations
This thesis explores the interplay between the Higgs potential, partners to the top
quark, and LHC data. Due to the intimate connection between the top quark and
the Higgs, top partners play a special role in any theories designed to resolve the
hierarchy problem of the Standard Model using symmetries to protect the Higgs
from large quantum corrections. We begin by reviewing the general framework
of top partners and the hierarchy problem, and the way in which symmetries can
impose cancellations between quadratically divergent diagrams contributing to the
Higgs mass.
Following this, we discuss an interpretation in terms of stops of an anomaly
in an ATLAS search for SUSY in events with a leptonically decaying Z, jets and
MET. We argue that this excess can be understood as resulting from pair produced
heavy stops decaying into lighter stops and Z bosons, ̃t2 → ̃t1Z, with masses in
the range m ̃t ' 300–500 GeV. While such light stops are natural in terms of the
hierarchy problem, they place the MSSM in great tension with the measured mass
of the Higgs boson. We therefore explore the possibility that this tension is resolved
by new non-decoupling D-term contributions to the Higgs mass associated with
a new SU(2)R gauge symmetry broken at ∼ few TeV. In particular, we consider
the possibility that the W ′ associated with such a gauge symmetry is responsible
for another ATLAS excess in a search for diboson resonances, while remaining
consistent with a 125 GeV Higgs. We finish our tour of supersymmetric theories
with a discussion of the prospects for discovering top partners of spin-1 at a future collider.
The second half of the thesis discusses some new phenomenology of spin-1/2
top partners. We construct models in which the collider phenomenology and impli-
cations for the Higgs mass differ markedly from generic top partners. By imposing
an approximate or exact discrete symmetry on the new states, it is possible to
mimic final states that are reminiscent of R-parity conserving or violating SUSY,
and we explore the limits that searches for these scenarios impose on the spin-1/2
scenario. Finally, we discuss how Yukawa structures that can be found in these
theories can provide significant radiative enhancements for the Higgs mass.- Supersymmetry
- Hierarchy problem
- Top partners
- supersymmetry: hierarchy
- Higgs particle: mass
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