Replica Wormholes, Modular Entropy, and Capacity of Entanglement in JT Gravity

Jan 20, 2025
46 pages

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Abstract: (arXiv)
By employing the replica trick we study the impact of the replica parameter nn on the modular entropy and the capacity of entanglement in the End of the World (EoW) model and the island model, respectively. For the EoW model, we present nn-dependent evolution curves of the modular entropy and the capacity of entanglement under both microcanonical and canonical ensembles. In particular, in the canonical ensemble, all quantities decrease as nn increases at late times. For the island model, we develop the replica geometry for finite nn and re-evaluate the modular entropy and the capacity of entanglement in a two-sided eternal Jackiw-Teitelboim black hole coupled with a thermal bath. In the case of a single island configuration, the modular entropy and capacity of entanglement closely resemble the thermal entropy and the heat capacity, respectively, yielding results analogous to those obtained in the canonical ensemble for the EoW model. The analysis of the results from these two models strongly indicates that in geometries with a greater number of nn copies, more connected geometries effectively purify thermal Hawking radiation. In addition, we compare these findings with statistical mechanics and provide an interpretation for the replica parameter nn. Finally, we generalize the island formula to accommodate the finite nn case under this interpretation.
  • 46 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables