Electroinduced two nucleon knockout and correlations in nuclei
Feb, 1997
52 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.A 624 (1997) 581-622
- nucl-th/9702049 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- SSF-96-12-01
Citations per year
We present a model to calculate cross sections for electroinduced two-nucleon emission from finite nuclei. Short-range correlations in the wave functions and meson-exchange contributions to the photoabsorption process are implemented. Effects of the short-range correlations are studied with the aid of a perturbation expansion method with various choices of the Jastrow correlation function. The model is used to investigate the relative importance of the different reaction mechanisms contributing to the A(e,epn) and A(e,epp) process. Representative examples for the target nuclei C and O and for kinematical conditions accessible with contemporary high-duty cycle electron accelerators are presented. A procedure is outlined to calculate the two-nucleon knockout contribution to the semi-exclusive (e,ep) cross section. Using this technique we investigate in how far semi-exclusive (e,ep) reactions can be used to detect high-momentum components in the nuclear spectral function.Note:
- 51 pages, Latex, uses epsf.sty and elsart.sty, 17 figures (in eps format) Report-no: SSF96-12-01
- 25.30.Rw
- 14.20.Gk
- 24.10.-i
- Electroinduced two-nucleon knockout
- Correlations