Off-shell effects in the electromagnetic production of strangeness
Dec, 199738 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.C 58 (1998) 75-90
- nucl-th/9712037 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- DAPNIA-SPHN-97-65,
- LYCEN-9753
Citations per year
Previous approaches to the photo- and electro-production of strangeness off the proton, based upon effective hadronic Lagrangians, are extended here to incorporate the so called off-shell effects inherent to the fermions with spin >= 3/2. A formalism for intermediate-state, spin 3/2, nucleonic and hyperonic resonances is presented and applied to the processes , for <= 2.5 GeV, , as well as the branching ratio for the crossed channel reaction , with stopped kaons. The sensitivity, from moderate to significant, of various observables to such effects are discussed.Note:
- 38 pages in LaTeX2e-RevTeX + 8 postscript figures Report-no: DAPNIA/SPhN-97-65, LYCEN 9753
- photon p: exclusive reaction
- electron p: exclusive reaction
- photon: polarized beam
- strange particle: electroproduction
- strange particle: photoproduction
- K- p: exclusive reaction
- at rest
- photon: emission
- branching ratio
- effective Lagrangian