A Two pion exchange three nucleon force based on a realistic piN interaction
Mar, 2000Citations per year
The contribution of a -exchange three-body force to the three-nucleon binding energy is calculated in terms of a amplitude. The latter is based on a meson-theoretical model of interaction developed by the J\"ulich group. Similar to a previous study based on simple phenomenological potentials a very small effect of the resulting three-body force is found. Possible origins of the two-orders-of-magnitude descrepancy between the present result and the values obtained for the Tucson-Melbourne three-body force are investigated. Evidence is provided that this discrepancy is most likely due to strikingly different off-shell properties of the amplitudes underlying the two approaches.Note:
- 22 pages, 8 figures; to appear in Eur. Phys. J. A
- nuclear physics
- three-body problem: force
- exchange: two-pion
- tritium: binding energy
- pi nucleon: interaction
- potential
- Feynman graph
- numerical calculations