The Pressure of hot QCD up to g6 ln(1/g)
Nov, 200216 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 67 (2003) 105008
- hep-ph/0211321 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- CERN-TH-2002-334,
- HIP-2002-62-TH,
- MIT-CTP-3325
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The free energy density, or pressure, of QCD has at high temperatures an expansion in the coupling constant g, known so far up to order g^5. We compute here the last contribution which can be determined perturbatively, g^6 ln(1/g), by summing together results for the 4-loop vacuum energy densities of two different three-dimensional effective field theories. We also demonstrate that the inclusion of the new perturbative g^6 ln(1/g) terms, once they are summed together with the so far unknown perturbative and non-perturbative g^6 terms, could potentially extend the applicability of the coupling constant series down to surprisingly low temperatures.- 05.70.Ce
- 12.38.Bx
- 11.15.Bt
- 11.10.Wx
- fermion: flavor
- gauge field theory: SU(N)
- temperature: high
- energy: density
- pressure
- regularization: dimensional